Can I draw fanart of your characters or have them make guest appearances in my own comic?
Sure thing, just let us know beforehand so we can laugh at your attempt if it sucks.
Heddy: What Other Guy means to say is that we'd be FLATTERED to be featured in fanart or other comics, no matter what quality the attempt. Just be sure to send the end product our way.
Can I parody your comic?
Only if you do us the favour of linking to PLL. Not only are we traffic-whores, we doubt anyone would get the references to PLL anyway :D
I've got a great story idea / sexual kink! Will you put it in your comic?
I'm all for stealing other people's ideas. However, there's no sexual kink you've got that I haven't already thought of.
Do you take art requests or trades? How's about commissions?
Heddy: Hmmmm, it all depends. Requests, maybe if I feel like it and don't have other shit going on. Trades, if I like your art. Commissions? I'm a poor university student. What do you think my answer is going to be?
What is your secret identity, Other Guy? Are you even a real person, or are you just a figment of Heddy's imagination to be shamelessly used as a scapegoat when she makes bad storylines or doesn't get the comic done?
Oh, I'm a real person alright. Heddy gets beaten when she doesn't write well or draw at my request.
Can I send you erotic photos of myself in hopes of getting laid?
Send all erotic photos to I repeat,
Can I use your art on my webpage or in graphics?
Heddy: Sure, as long as you credit me for the art. A link to this website would be awesome, as well.
Can I steal your site code?
Heddy: Why would you want to? Anyway, the code isn't ours anymore, anyway. The site automation is, of course, the property of keenspace, and the main page layout is actually made by my good friend Gavin.
You guys are mysoginistic! Porn is the sexual enslavement of women!
#1. Pornstars obviously put a price on their dignity, it was their own decision to make, no one forced them to do it.
#2. ...There are no real women in our comic.
#3. Being sexually enslaved is kinda fun.
My child viewed your webpage and is now scarred for life because of what he saw!
Your child viewed our webpage because he/she typed the following words into a search engine instead of doing his/her homework: "Sex, Porn, Fetish, Kinky, Breasts, Tits, Ass, Hentai, Penis, Licking, Sucking, Fucking, Lolita, Greatest Comic in the World."
Lolita indeed! Is Sakura or any other character in the comic underaged?
Your website offends my religious/American sensibilities!
Your bible offends my secular/Canadian sensibilities!
Wait, you guys are from Canada, do you know (insert name of Canadian here)?
Oh, yeah! ....he's dead
Can I donate money to you guys?
Yes. Yes you may.
Are you ever going to have a cafepress store selling merchandise for the comic?
Only if the characters in our comic become reduced to woodland creatures with bagel cravings in the middle of the night. ...with the creamy-creamy-cheesey-creamy cheese. (Oh who'm I kidding, I love Foamy)
Heddy: I don't even know WHAT he's referencing, there. To answer your question: we will if there's suitable interest shown in the idea. If you want PLL merchandise, be sure to email us and let us know that you're interested, and what sort of thing you'd want to buy!
You spelled color/favorite/honor/theater wrong!
Have you guys even HAD sex before?
Are you coming onto me?
With each other?
We create porn, we don't star in it.
If Other Guy doesn't exist, does a yes to the previous question mean that Heddy masturbates?
Only with frozen hot dogs.
Heddy: Actually, I prefer to use Other Guy's face.
You guys r dumb! I hate ur comic! My comic is better!!!1one
Oh, you must be the mastermind behind Penny Arcade. (Which I enjoy reading..)
Are either of you single?
Heddy is a nasty fat bitch!
Fat girls give good head.
Heddy: and you are decidedly uncreative in your insults. Go back to elementary school. Fat is hot.
Will you link to my website?
Heddy: If the content of it would appeal to our readers, at anyway, or if we just so happen to think you're awesome. We're not gonna start linking every yahoo who emails us just so that they can get some site traffic. If you want that, you have to send us fanart :D. And then we'll link you. But not before.
What's with the big yellow square that ate the Other Guy's head? And what the fuck is Rush?
It's a smilebox, obviously, to conceal my identity! Rush is the greatest band in the world.
Heddy: There is trouble in the forest, And the creatures all have fled, As the maples scream "Oppression!" And the oaks just shake their heads . . . that was Rush, bitches.
Peach Lipgloss Lolita is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Characters and story are copyrighted to Heather Salmon and the Other Guy, 2004. All rights reserved.